Asset Manager

Asset Manager
Backend .NET

See on Github

Architecture Overview

The backend of the Asset Management project is REST API developed using C#.

It follows the principles of CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and DDD (Domain-Driven Design) to ensure a clean separation of concerns.

The code is structured using the Vertical Slice architecture pattern. This approach organizes the codebase based on features or vertical slices rather than layers.

Technologies Used

The following technologies and frameworks are utilized in the backend RestApi:

  • C#: The programming language used for the development of the application.
  • ASP.NET Core: The framework used for building the RestApi and handling HTTP requests.
  • CQRS: The architectural pattern used to separate the read and write operations.
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): A secure method for transmitting authentication and authorization information.
  • Fluent Validation: A validation library used for defining and enforcing validation rules.
  • Auto Mapper: An utility to easy mapping domain objects to DTO.
  • DDD (Domain-Driven Design): A design approach that focuses on modeling the business domain.


The infrastructure of the project is deployed on Azure and has the follow items:

  • Azure SQL Database

This infrastructure has been managed as IaC using Terraform.

© 2023 Didac Campanals